
lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

It took very little time for me to adjust to live in Bariloche

"I had a great time at La Montaña. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming and it took very little time for me to adjust to life in Bariloche. I am very pleased with the amount I learned in BAriloche in one short month. I am thankful for the education I received as well as the friends I made. I loved the activities we did and I wish there could have been more. Thank you La Montaña!
Class was always productive as long as I was productive. Sometimes I had a hard time focusing because it was a bit early but the games, speaking activities, songs and the videos we watched were very helpful. The homework helped we a lot and I was able to see my progress. Everyone was always very motivating and helped me with Spanish. Thank you!
¡Nos vemos pronto!"
Caittlin Scott, EEUU

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