
martes, 27 de agosto de 2013

Lerne Spanisch in Argentinien Bariloche, Patagonia

Lerne Spanisch in Argentinien
Bariloche, Patagonia

In der Spanischschule "La Montaña" hast du die Möglichkeit, im Herzen Patagoniens Spanisch zu lernen - eine Region mit einer wunderschönen Umgebung, freundlichen Menschen und einem großen Erlebnisangebot. Wir machen es dir leicht, das Spanisch-Lernen mitOutdooraktivitäten zu kombinieren, viele Interaktionen mit Einheimischen zu erleben und einen optimalen Aufenthalt bei einer patagonischen Familie kennen zu lernen. Bariloche, auch "Das Tor zur einem der schönsten Teile der Erde" genannt, ist ein wunderschöner Ort um in Argentinien Spanisch zu lernen. Er bietet viele Möglichkeiten um die argentinische Lebensart, die schöne Umgebung der Natur und die latein-amerikanische Kultur zu genießen. Bariloche liegt direkt am See „Nahual Huapi“, welcher sich im Herzen des gleichnamigen Nationalparks befindet. Die Stadt und ihre Umgebung haben viel zu bieten: "Nicht umsonst ist Bariloche für Reisende das bekannteste Ziel in Argentinien".
Unsere Schule bietet 3 verschiedene Kurse an. Du kannst dir anschauen, welcher Kurs dir am besten gefallen würde. Wenn du dich für den Comprehensive- oder Emergency Travelling- Kurs entscheidest, bei denen du den Unterricht am Vormittag besuchst, hast du die Möglichkeit Freunde oder andere Schüler bei den Nachmittagsaktivitäten zu treffen. Nachmittags wirst du also praktische Anwendungen zu dem finden, was du vormittags in der Schule gelernt hast. Wir werden dir somit eine Einführung in die wundervolle Kultur dieses faszinierenden Landes geben. Wir empfehlen dir, eines unserer Programme auszusuchen. Aber auch wenn du gerne die Spanischstunden und die Unterkunft getrennt voneinander buchen möchtest, so ist dies möglich. "La Montaña" kann für dich also auch Unterkünfte arrangieren. Die Auswahlmöglichkeiten bei den Unterkünften sind ein Aufenthalt bei einer Familie, in einer Jugendherberge oder in einem Hotel. Egal ob du Spanisch aus Spaß und eigenem Interesse, um zu Reisen oder für den Beruf benötigst, "LaMontaña" hat ein Programm, welches deinen Anforderungen entspricht. Unsere professionellen Mitarbeiter können auf deine Anfragen hin auch Unterkünfte und Programme arrangieren.
Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina
Bariloche is located on a beautiful
lake high in the Argentine Andes
Spanish Schools in Argentina, Learn Study Spanish in Argentina, Bariloche

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

Best deal ever for Spanish lessons + Ski pass

Save around 85% on your 7 consecutive days ski pass!!!

1 week Spanish course
1 week accommodation host family half board
Bus Bs As - Bariloche back and forth
1 week ski pass

In case you want to extend this program, you will pay $445 per week for your Spanish course and accommodation, and you will get 10% discount on regular price ski pass during the remaining time.

email us for more information!

domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

What social and cultural activities can we join while in Bariloche?


Different kinds of events and activities are available in the city and region:

In the city:
Concerts, Movies,  Theater plays, in town center. Maybe 3 blocks from the school. We encourage students to attend specially free cultural activities we often have in Bariloche.
In the region:
Feria Colonia Suiza (free entrance) Feria El Bolson  (free entrance)

You can find all the information about social and cultural activities you can join while in Bariloche by following our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/spanishinbariloche?ref=hl and in

The school makes arrangements to enable students to participate in social or cultural events. Every time there is a public event, shows, meetings, lectures, cultural events, exhibitions, etc,  students receive all the information and the school organizes the activity for those who are interested.

 Meeting Mapuche Communities
 Outdoor Yoga
 Tango lessons
 Tradicional local celebrations

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

Spaans studeren in Bariloche, de hoofdstad van Patagonië, Argentinië

Spaans studeren in Bariloche, de hoofdstad van Patagonië, Argentinië

De beste manier om een taal te leren is om het te leren in een land waar de taal gesproken wordt. Of je nu Spaans wilt leren voor tijdens het reizen, voor je plezier en/of voor je werk, onze Spaanse school La Montaña in Bariloche is de uitgesproken plaats om het te leren.
Bariloche, ook wel genoemd "the port to one of the most beautiful parts of the world", is een fantastische plaats in Argentinië om Spaans te leren. Het biedt ontzettend veel mogelijkheden om tijdens het studeren van het argentijnse leven te genieten, van de schitterende natuur en van de latino-cultuur. Bariloche ligt aan het Nahuel Huapi meer, een zeer groot meer midden in het Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi. De stad en haar omgeving hebben veel te bieden. Niet voor niets is Bariloche de meest favoriete bestemming voor reizigers in Argentinië.
La Montaña biedt 3 verschillende cursussen aan. Kijk welke Spaanse cursus je zou willen volgen. Welke cursus je ook gaat volgen, naast de Spaanse cursussen heb je ook de mogelijkheid om samen met de overige studenten deel te nemen aan het middagprogramma van onze school. Deze middagen zullen gebruikt worden om hetgeen je eerder geleerd hebt toe te passen in "real-life-situations". Het programma zal tevens een indruk geven van de schitterende cultuur en natuur van dit fascinerende land.
De school kan ook je accomodatie regelen. De opties zijn:een gastgezin,een jeugdhostel of een hotel.
We adviseren je om de diverse pakketten te bekijken, welke bestaan uit de meest populaire combinaties. Mocht je de Spaanse cursus en de accomodatie apart willen regelen, dan is dat natuurlijk ook mogelijk.
email us
Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina
De schitterende omgeving van Bariloche maakt het een geweldige stek om Spaans te leren.
Students after their Spanish classes
Onze Spaanse school biedt ook plezier na de Spaanse lessen.

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

Espanhol em Bariloche - Patagônia - Argentina

Espanhol em Bariloche - Patagônia - Argentina

Bariloche, reconhecida como o portal da Patagônia, é um lugar maravilhoso para aprender espanhol.  Esta pequena cidade, rodeada de montanhas e lagos, oferece segurança e você pode combinar o estudo do espanhol com uma porção de atividades para realizar de tarde ou nos fins de semana.  Rafting, caiaque, vôo livre e andar a cavalo são apenas alguns exemplos do que você pode fazer nos arredores de Bariloche. Durante o fim de semana muitos alunos optam por fazer caminhadas na montanha ou simplesmente ficar no centro para desfrutar da cidade e de sua vida  noturna.

Esquiando e estudando espanhol em Bariloche

No inverno, do final de junho ao final de setembro, muitos dos nossos alunos vêm a Bariloche para combinar aulas de espanhol com esqui. Bem pertinho de Bariloche temos o Cerro Catedral, o centro de esqui mais popular da Argentina e o maior da América do Sul.

Nossos cursos de espanhol

Oferecemos 3 cursos de espanhol diferentes. Veja qual curso de espanhol gostaria de fazer. Todos os níveis de nossas aulas grupais de espanhol são avaliadas com muito cuidado e temos um máximo de 6 alunos por classe.

Se você escolher o Curso de Espanhol Padrão, que consta de 4 horas diárias de aulas de espanhol pela manhã (pequenos grupos - max. 6 alunos), terá a oportunidade de unir-se a seus colegas e outros alunos durante as atividades pós escolares.

Se você quiser combinar as aulas grupais com aulas particulares, poderá escolher o Curso Intensivo de Espanhol, uma combinação de 20 horas de aulas grupais com 10 horas de aulas particulares.

Os alunos que desejarem adaptar todo o programa de espanhol podem escolher o Curso Particular de Espanhol.

Espanhol & Trabalho Voluntário na Argentina

Você quer combinar seu curso de espanhol com trabalho voluntário? Temos vários projetos voluntários: sociais, educacionais e ambientais, entre outros. Una-se a um dos projetos voluntários, ajude os argentinos, vivenciando a vida real dos argentinos e descubra mais sobre a cultura argentina.

Hospedagem em Bariloche

"La Montaña" também pode conseguir hospedagem para você.  A maioria de nossos alunos prefere ficar na casa de uma de nossas famílias que, além de amistosas, lhe darão uma mão.   Elas são selecionadas com muito critério para que nossos alunos tenham uma estada prazenteira. Também podemos conseguir hospedagem em um albergue da juventude ou num hotel.

Nossas atividades depois da escola. Continue aprendendo e falando espanhol.

Acreditamos que a melhor maneira de aprender espanhol é desfrutando da aprendizagem. Por esse motivo nossa escola organiza um grande número de atividades onde você pode praticar tudo o que aprendeu nas aulas, aprender mais sobre a cultura argentina, assim como encontrar-se com outros alunos, o que poderá ser o começo de uma longa amizade. Todas as nossas atividades estão incluídas em nossos preços.

Programas de Espanhol em Bariloche

Recomendamos escolher um de nossos  Programas de Espanhol, a combinação preferida de um de nossos cursos de espanhol, as atividades depois das aulas, hospedagem e trabalho voluntário opcional. Nossos funcionários podem também adaptar seu programa de espanhol de acordo a seu pedido.

Aprenda espanhol na nossa Escola de Espanhol em Bariloche, Patagônia, ArgentinaSpanish Schools in Argentina, Learn Study Spanish in Argentina, Bariloche
Aprenda espanhol na nossa Escola de Espanhol em Bariloche, Patagônia, ArgentinaAprenda espanhol na nossa Escola de Espanhol em Bariloche, Patagônia, Argentina
Aprenda espanhol em Bariloche, uma cidade às margens de um belíssimo lago, nos Andes argentinos.
Os belos e majestosos arredores de Bariloche
fazem desta cidade um lugar único para aprender o espanhol.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

Espanhol na nossa Escola de Espanhol em Bariloche, Patagônia, Argentina

Aprenda espanhol na nossa Escola de Espanhol em Bariloche, Patagônia, Argentina

Em La Montaña - Spanish in Bariloche, Escola de Língua Espanhola, você pode aprender espanhol estando no coração da Patagônia, uma região repleta de magníficas paisagens. Queremos que nossos alunos se submirjam na língua espanhola e na cultura argentina, e por isso:

  • Todos os nossos grupos são reduzidos e com atendimento pessoal (max. 6 alunos por classe)
  • Organizamos de 3 a 5 atividades gratuitas depois da escola cada semana.
  • Temos diferentes projetos voluntários (projetos sociais, educacionais e ambientais)
  • Recomendamos hospedar-se numa casa de família.
Nossa escola de espanhol oferece preços bem competitivos e não cobramos matricula. Uma semana de aulas grupais em grupos pequenos (20 horas), incluindo seus livros de espanhol, outros materiais de estudo, as atividades depois das aulas custa U$195

Spanish Schools in Argentina, Learn Study Spanish in Argentina, Bariloche

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Español Intensivo en Bariloche. Presencial y Online.

Español Intensivo

¿Para quién es este curso?

Para todas las personas que desean aprender y comunicarse en español e interactuar exitosamente con el mundo hispanohablante.
El Curso intensivo está dividido en 6 niveles que se adaptan a las necesidades y objetivos de cada estudiante.
Aquí conocerás nuevas personas, hablarás español todo el tiempo y practicarás en un ambiente académico y divertido que te ayudará a lograr tus objetivos.

Modalidad. ¿Cómo esel curso?

Las clases son grupales con un máximo de 6 estudiantes. Comienzan todos los lunesde 9.00 a 13.00. En caso de que no hubieraotros estudiantes en su mismo nivel, las 4 horas de clases grupales serán reemplazadas por 2 horas de lecciones privadas sin costo adicional.

Trabajar en grupos pequeños les permite a todos los estudiantes participar más de la clase, aprovechar al máximo la interacción con el profesor y aprender junto a otras personas.

El objetivo es aprender y ampliar los conocimientos y desarrollar la confianza y la fluidezpara participar rápidamente de conversaciones con hablantes nativos, entender la cultura y hacer nuevos amigos.

Todos los profesores deLa Montaña poseen un excelente nivel académico y metodológico para que las clases tengan la dinámica y excelencia que nuestros estudiantes merecen. Las actividades y el material de estudio están diseñados para ampliar el vocabulario día a día, aprender y profundizar las estructuras gramaticales y desarrollar al máximo las cuatro habilidades de la lengua (oralidad, escritura, comprensión textual y auditiva)

Actividades después de la clase:

Tres veces por semana La Montaña |Spanish in Bariloche organiza actividades para todos los estudiantes de la escuela con el objetivo de explorar otros aspectos de la cultura argentina, hacer nuevos amigos y recorrer diferentes espacios importantes de la ciudad de Bariloche.

1 semana Curso Intensivo de Español us$ 195

1 semana de Curso Intensivo +
1 semana de hospedaje en Casa de Familia  us$ 445

Modalidad Online:   us$250 por 10 horas.

Siempre les recomendamos a nuestros estudiantes que elijan hospedarse en casa defamilia, para lograr un mayor acercamiento a la cultura argentina y tener máshoras por día de práctica del español.
Todas las familias que trabajan con nosotros están preparadas para recibirextranjeros y disfrutan de la posibilidad de compartir momentos con personas deotros países y culturas.

Certificado y Exámenes Internacionales

Seentrega un certificado de asistencia donde constan las horas cursadas.

Los estudiantes que deseen una certificación internacionalmente válida de su nivelde español ya sea para el trabajo, la universidad, etc., pueden prepararse enla Montaña |Spanish in Bariloche para rendir el CELU (www.celu.edu.ar) y/o el DELE (www.dele.org)


En La Montaña |Spanish in Bariloche nos ajustamos a los niveles del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_común_europeo_de_referencia_para_las_lenguas )

El estudiante puede comunicarse (hablar y comprender) en contextos habituales con frases sencillas. Puede leer y escribir textos cortos (postales, formularios). Puede hablar sobre su familia, tiempo libre, acciones cotidianas, etc.

El estudiante puede manifestar sus necesidades e intereses en conversaciones simples. Puede escribir y leer textos cortos (mails, artículos sencillos). Puede  conversar sobre temas de interés personal en presente y pasado.


El estudiante puede participar espontáneamente de una conversación sobre temas personales y de la vida diaria. Su pronunciación es clara. Comprende textos relacionados con el trabajo. Comprende discursos, conferencias extensas, programas de TV y radio de temas actuales.


El estudiante puede tomar parte activa en debates, escribir textos extensos y detallados, leer artículos extensos y obras literarias. Comprende casi todos los programas de TV y películas en español estándar.


El estudiante puede comunicarse de manera fluida, espontánea en cualquier tipo de situación. Redactar informes y ensayos de opinión de estilo académico, resume textos de diferentes tipos; puede exponer un tema frente al público y argumentar de manera compleja (opinar, justificar, ejemplificar).


El estudiante puede actuar en cualquier situación con un altísimo grado de precisión y un alto nivel de corrección; puede expresarse espontánea y detalladamente con fluidez natural y coloquial.

martes, 13 de agosto de 2013

On-line Spanish Language pre-courses

Learn Spanish Live Online before arrival with our pre-courses:


Prospective students ussually are a bit nervous about her/his first day "back to school."
Our team is aware of this, and we accommodate our classes so that the transition is smooth in a relaxed athmosphere.
Some people is getting ready to spend some time in Argentina with a considerable time in advance, and in this situation, one good option is taking some lessons at home before arrival.
After taking a Placement test, we ca design a pre-course according to the student needs.
With our pre-courses each person will be able to learn Spanish live online with a native Spanish speaker teacher, according to his/her needs, at his/herown pace in the comfort of his/her place:
  • Having a private instructor in real time.
  • Learning useful language as in real everyday situations: social life, work, leisure.
  • Personalizing the language acquisition focusing on the development of proficiency in the four basic communication skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
  • Practicing conversation.
  • Learning more about our culture as a result of the information exchange.
  • Developing and enrich your Spanish vocabulary.
  • Knowing more about Grammar structures.
  • Practicing pronunciation
  • Doing some homework to reinforce the learning points.
Who is this course for?
Any person interested in learning Spanish according to his needs in a dynamic and interactive way.
Prospective students:
Former students: those who have attended lessons with us and would like to carry on learning Spanish.

Students can choose from:
Survival Spanish - Crash course
Specially designed for people who need to learn some Spanish as soon as possible to manage in a Spanish-speaking country. Conversation, role-play practice, vocabulary development and grammar are focused on each learning situation:
Greetings: formal and informal usage. Giving information about you and how to introduce yourself.
Accommodation: asking for information
Eating out: ordering food, checking information.
Expressing preferences and opinions
Shopping: describing things, sizes
Phone calls: asking information, making an appointment, informal conversation.
Duration of the course:
Survival Spanish - Crash Course is designed to be covered in 20 class-hours, but we can be flexible about times.
10 hours of real-time tuition US$ 250
Payments are in advance. Please, email us for methods of payment. http://www.spanishinbariloche.com/contact-me/  
For people interested in learning  Spanish in a comprehensive course, according to their needs, at their own pace, we offer our online live course with a private instructor divided in 5 levels:

Basic Level I and II - Intermediate Level I and II - Advanced
How do we do it:
This is a live online course.
Lessons are one-on-one (one student and one instructor).
Student and instructor will use Skype/MSN Messenger to communicate.
The whiteboard is the screen.
You set own pace.
Materials as a complement for your lesson are sent after each class.

Cultural after-School Activities... What for?

Cultural after-School Activities:

There is perhaps no more effective way of learning Spanish or any other language than by attending a language immersion school, where you can combine classes with experiencing life in an area where your new language is spoken.

Our after-school activities help students understanding both our culture and environment while practicing Spanish. After lessons, students will meet locals, play games, take a cooking lesson, visit Schools, Museums, receive information about the National Park, learning about our fauna and flora.

All our activities are led by our teachers, who will encourage students to use Spanish as much as possible.

Most US universities consider these after-school activities as "Spanish contact hours", adding more credits towards students degrees.

Visiting historic places
 Visiting a local brewery
 Cooking lesson
Eating out

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

Can I get an internacional certificate for my Spanish level at La Montaña - Spanish in Bariloche?

BannerYes, you do.

Preparation for international certifications in Spanish as a Second Language
CELU examination is a certificate for Spanish as a Second Language. It takes place every June and November at 
University of Rio Negro, in the city of Bariloche.
We have a specific program for preparing our students to obtain this certificate. (Available for Intermediate to
 Advanced Level) For further information, visit http://www.celu.edu.ar/ 

What are the Spanish lessons like?

Frequently, our prospective students have these questions concerning the dinamic of our Spanish School:

What is the language of instruction?
Spanish is the language taught and used in class. Instructors only use Spanish with the students. English is used only when absolutely necessary, i.e: if a student has an emergency, or if the explanation in Spanish is not working because of the cultural shock he or she might be experimenting, etc.
Instructors also speak Spanish with the students when they are not in class. We encourage our students to speak to one another in Spanish and among the people at the school and during activities. They are free to use their mother tongue if they need to do it.

How will you know my Spanish current level?
Students take a written placement test before their arrival, and oral test once at the school. The director administers the test, but the result of the tests are discused during a team meeting, when forming the groups.

How do you form groups?
We are very careful about placing our students in appropriate groups with those who have similar interests, learning styles, and levels of proficiency.  However, if a student does not feel that he/she fits in a certain group, we are always ready to change the group composition or switch to individual lessons to best help our students truly develop their language abilities. The Director is constantly monitoring both students and teachers. Students are interviewed periodically by her, to check if they are happy or not with the group and the teachers. Director has daily team meetings to hear the opinion of teachers, or/and review decisions, as well.
By keeping our classes to small-group lessons or individual training, we avoid the problems of large group settings.  This allows students to feel free to ask questions at any time thus increasing communication and enhancing their learning experience.

What kind of evaluation does the school perform?
Students are evaluated daily, by presentations and weekly by essays.

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

What to do in Bariloche while learning Spanish?

What to do in Bariloche?

Bariloche is the perfect place for combining Spanish Learning, Adventure, Culture and Outdoor Activities.

Why learning Spanish in Bariloche?

Bariloche has some of the most spectacular scenery in the world, with majestic mountains, lakes and breathtaking views. A heaven for all  sports enthusiasts and travellers alike. The area offers a variety of opportunities for skiing, cross country, sledding, snowshoeing, and snowbording, trekking, rafting, kayaking, mountain biking, rock-climbing, rappelling, fly- fishing, scuba-diving, kite-surfing, paragliding, bird-watching, zip-lining, four-wheeling, motocross, horse-riding, sailing, camping, spelunking, nature-photography, etc. Enjoy some views of Bariloche here.


Bariloche, a small town in northewest Patagonia on the shores of Lago Nahuel Huapi, is the doorstep to the Andes. The altitude is 800 mt above sea level, and the weather varies gradually from the tipical mountain rain forest to the arid plains.
The city is very well connected to the main cities in Argentina and Chile by plane or bus.
The picturesque village stretches along the banks of the beautiful lake (Nahuel Huapi), surrounded by mountains to the west and the dry steppe in the east.  The geographic and cultural center is the city-hall, built in 1938 in a perfect Patagonian version of the alpine style.  Because the public transportation system quickly connects all parts of the city, visitors don't waste much time communiting.


There is so much to do all year round, with four distinct seasons. Patagonian summers, with 16 hours daylight, allow for extended timetables for all kinds of outdoor activities. As for the climate we can expect long, hot and dry days in summer, more precipitation during autumn and spring, and snow covered mountains in winter.


The population of Bariloche  is currently 120,000 inhabitants, mostly descendants of European immigrants. Swiss, Germans, Austrians, and Italians settled in these beautiful surroundings and kept their traditions and customs giving a special character to Bariloche.
Bariloche shares with Buenos Aires the highest percentage per capita of Argentineans holding advanced degrees. You will find that locals are friendly and supportive with Spanish students. I strongly recommend homestays with a local host family to improve your Spanish skills and also to gain a valuable local perspective.

Cultural life:

Bariloche offers a big variety of events, like theater, exhibitions, cinemas and concerts. There are several interesting museums, and a big public library near the town hall. Centro Civico is the cultural heart, the perfect space for open parties: concerts, parades, dances and other events.
The school makes arrangements to enable students to participate in social or cultural events. When a public event takes place, such as shows, meetings, lectures, or exhibitions, students receive all the information and the school organizes the activity for those who are interested.
Bariloche is home to three universities: Universidad del Comahue, Universidad Fasta and Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, therefore the university environment is present all over.
While a relatively small city, Bariloche is very modern with wifi available in many public spaces, cafes, bars, accomodations and homestays.

Bariloche nightlife:

Bariloche is the capital of the nightlife in Patagonia. There are several well known discoteques, where you can meet Argentinean football stars and artists. Within its buzzing nightlife, with plenty of great bars, you can learn to unwind like a true Argentine!
Restaurants and bars are open until early hours. At the ski resort, you can find more entertaiment, including ski parties, with fireworks, discos, etc.

Shopping areas:

Most of the important shops in Bariloche are located along Mitre and Moreno streets. There, you will find all the gear you need for outdoor activities or skiing. The ski resort has a big shopping mall where is possible to find all the services and facilities needed.
Traditional chocolaterias and cafes are open all day for people to enjoy delicious specialities in chocolate and cakes. Bariloche is also well known for delicious pastries, smoked food and breweries, which taste even better with dramatic mountain ranges and lakes as the scenery.


Bariloche is a small town, with about 120,000 inhabitants. It is one of the safest cities in Argentina. While crime rates are low throughout the year, minor thefts sometime occur and we recommend keeping valuables out of sight or safely stored in your hotel or homestay. Foreigners and women are not specifically targeted and the police are very supportive with tourists. During high season, when more tourists populate the area, the city doubles the number of  policemen.

Weekend Trips and Excursions:

Bariloche is considered the gateway to Patagonia. It is possible to combine Spanish lessons with Half-day excursions, Day trips, week-end getaways and longer excursions throughout this famous region of the world, possible with rented cars, short flights and an extensive, modern and comfortable bus system.
Half-day excursions: (Easily organised right after your Spanish lesson)
Cerro Campanario, Cerro Catedral, Cerro Otto, Cerro Leones, Lago Gutierrez Mirador and Cascada de los Duendes, Llao Llao forest, Piedras Blancas, Playa Bonita.
Day trips:
Seven lakes Road (Ruta de los Siete Lagos) San Martin de los Andes, Villa La Angostura, El Bolson, Cerro Tronador, etc.
Weekends getaways:
El Hoyo, Lago Puelo, El Maiten, Esquel, Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Chile, Pucon, Valdivia, Puerto Montt, Puyehue.
Longer Excursions (4 or more days):
Calafate, Copahue hot springs, Puerto Madryn, Puerto Piramide, Gaiman, Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Esquel.

How to get to Bariloche:

Bariloche is a popular town and is easily accessible by bus or plane from Buenos Aires and many other interesting towns.  Both the local airport and the bus station are only 5 to 15 minutes from city center by taxi or local bus.
By Plane:
Several airlines fly daily from and to Bariloche, connecting Chalten, Calafate, Puerto Madryn, Ushuaia in Patagonia or Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Salta, Iguazu and Cordoba.
To check for up to date timetables and prices, please visit their websites:
By Bus:
A cheaper option is to travel by bus, which leaves daily from Buenos Aires and takes at least 20 hours. The Bus network in Argentina is very popular so there are plenty of different companies. Often it is even possible to find buses with “camas” (beds).
Our students receive very good deals for the best bus companies, please, email us if you are interested.

If you would like to know more about Bariloche, please, visit:
LOCAL CULTURE www.galeria-bariloche.com
GENERAL INFORMATION www.bariloche.org
LOCAL NEWS: www.elcordillerano.com.ar
SECRETARY OF TOURISM: www.rionegrotur.com.ar
SKI CLUB: www.clubandino.com.ar
LOCAL TOWN COUNCIL: www.bariloche.gov.ar    
SNOW FORECAST: http://www.snow-forecast.com/resorts/Catedral/6day/top
SKIING INFORMATIONFOR CERRO CATERAL – (tariffs, weather, piste maps)  www.catedralaltapatagonia.com
SNOW FORECAST FOR CERRO CATEDRAL: http://www.catedralaltapatagonia.com/invierno/partediario.shtml                    
SNOW FORECAST FOR CERRO CATEDRAL http://www.snow-forecast.com/resorts/Catedral/6day/mid


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Bariloche and Buenos Aires combination package

Town Combinations  

Experience cultural Buenos Aires and magical Bariloche
Combine both cities with our special programs

Two Surroundings, One Language:

Learning Spanish in Bariloche and Buenos Aires

Both towns are in Argentina, both very interesting, yet very different. Experience cultural Buenos Aires and magical Bariloche. Get the best of the two best known cities in Argentina:
Together with our partner school in Buenos Aires we offer two programs:
2 weeks intensive 1:1 and 4 weeks standard group classes program .
Both programs include accommodation and be taken one after the other or with an interuption between Buenos Aires and Bariloche.

Option 1)

2 Weeks Intensive:

Intensive 1:1 classes, 15 hours per week, 30 hours all in all.
Homestay in Buenos Aires, 7 nights, breakfast, dinner.
Homestay in Bariloche, 7 nights, breakfast, dinner.
Single room accommodation in Buenos Aires, double in Bariloche.
No registration fees and all materials included for both destinations.
Salsa or Tango lesson, After school activities, Cafeteria in the school in Bariloche.

Combined Program Spanish in Buenos Aires and Bariloche
2 weeks 1:1  + accommodation   USD 765

Option 2)

4 Weeks Standard: (Single room)

2 weeks of group classes in Buenos Aires, 40hours.   
2 weeks of group classes in Bariloche, 40 hours.   
14 nights in dorm in hostel in Buenos Aires,   
14 nights in dorm in hostel in Bariloche.   

No registration fees and all materials included for both destinations.
Salsa or Tango lesson, After school activities, Cafeteria in the school in Bariloche.  

Combined Program Spanish in Buenos Aires and Bariloche
4 weeks group classes + accommodation   USD 1140


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martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

How does the school choose a host family?

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All about Host Families:

These are the most frequently questions we receive about host families.

How and Why a family would like to receive a foreigner in the house?
In all cases, hosts are very interested in meeting new people, from different cultures, religions and mind. The enriching part of it is the cultural exchange. Specially retired couples who have married children are very willing to host young people, since they still feel the need of looking after someone...

What kind of family can I choose from? 

  • Young  couples, with children.
  • Young couples, no children
  • Retired couples, children are married.
  • Divorced women or widows, some of them living with her children.
  • Single women

How does the school choose a host family?
Our families are selected considering many different aspects: family routines need to be flexible enough to make the students' stay as happy as possible. Houses need to be clean, safe and have enough space for their guests to feel comfortable. 

Will the host family help me with my Spanish or will they speak English with me?
Host families are advised to encourage students to speak Spanish as much as possible during their stay, and -of course- never speak any other language but Spanish, unless it is absolutely necessary, i.e.: if a student has an emergency, or if the explanation in Spanish is not working because of the cultural shock he or she might be experimenting, etc. 

How long has the school worked with these host families?
Our host families have received our students for more than 10 years, so they are very experienced and know how to manage different situations.

What do they do for a living?
Most members of these families are professionals, scientists, teachers or retired people.

What am I expected to do?
Families expect their guests to tidy up their space, keep clean what they use, inform hosts about what time they will be back, respect the family meals schedules, keep their personal higiene, do not smoke in the house and, if drinking alcohol, only on the family premises.

How far from school are the host families?
These houses are no further than 10 blocks from the school.  When housing is not withing walking distance from the school, it is convenient to public transportation.

Can I come with my husband and children?
Yes, when students are accompanied by spouses or partners or/and children, accommodation can be arrenged for the whole group.

What meals does it include? 
Family stays include breakfast and dinner. They can use the fridge to keep their own snacks. 

What about laundry?
Laundry is paying-out-of-pocket, at laundry service, 100 meters from school.

What else should I know?
Our host families feel responsible for our students, as if they are a member of their family so be respectful of your family’s concerns for your safety and well-being.
It is expected that you are at home at dinner time. For this reason it is important to arrive home on time for dinner. Please communicate delays or changes to your schedule in advance. Dinner in Argentina is typically around 9pm.
If you want to invite people to your house, please ask permission to the host family. Under no circumstances are visitors allowed to stay overnight. Please, avoid compromising situations.
Most Argentineans take pride in a neat and clean house. Be sure to keep your room neat, maintain living space in an orderly manner and cleaning up after yourself.
Keep your valuables at home in a secure place. Both the host family and the school are not responsible for theft or lost.

Communication is important to build a good relationship with your host family. If there is anything you do not understand please do not hesitate to ask your family. By communicating with them you can avoid misunderstandings later on.
If you have any other questions or problems, do not hesitate to contact the school.

* Shared or private bedroom
* Bed linen and towels
* Bathroom
* Breakfast and dinner (every day)

Not included           
* laundry
* telephone (you may receive calls, pls make sure that it is ok with the family)
* alcoholic drinks (If occasionally, your host family invites you with wine at dinner it would be very nice of you if you can do the same sometime during your stay)
* lunch

Laundry is not included in the lodging rates, and it is not OK to do wash clothes in the bathroom. You can ask your host if it is possible to get your laundry done by them as long as you pay for it. There are many Laundromats nearby the school where you can do your laundry.

Meals included in our home stays are breakfast and dinner. Remember, in Argentina breakfast consists of coffee and toast or pastries. Some families might be more flexible about this, but it is not their obligation to serve anything other than this. Wine is not included, nor lunch. Any change about this shall be requested. It is not OK to use the kitchen for cooking, unless your host has allowed you to. In which case, you need to make sure what time you can use it and leave it as clean as you found it.
Time for meals: Hosts have their own obligations so it is not OK to change the time for dinner, unless it is really necessary. In Argentina, people have dinner at about 9:00 pm or later. Feel free to have dinner out, but in fairness to the family you still will be charged the same amount.

Extending your stay, Early Departure and Cancelation:
On the first class day in La Montaña, the student shall confirm the exact check out date.
It is possible to extend the accommodation program. This decision shall be informed to the accommodation coordinator AT THE SCHOOL at least one week in advance. Such extension will depend on the apartment availability on the required dates. In case the family has previously reserved the place, other options will be offered to the student.

The stay extension with no prior notice to La Montaña shall not be valid and the student shall leave the host family on the date previously settled.

In case the student has already paid their accommodation program and decides to leave earlier their money shall not be returned.
If the student has reserved accommodation for certain amount of time but decides to leave before the preset date of departure, he/she will be charged a fee of 20% of the amount.
In case the student wants to travel during their stay, and leaves part of their luggage in the house, they shall pay as if they were staying there.

Check out time is 10am.  Check in time will be arranged when we receive your arrival time information.  Host Families ARE NOT A HOTEL.

Damages and prejudices:
La Montaña shall not be held responsible for damages and prejudices that may be caused by or to the student at any time whatsoever. The student has dully been informed about and notified of their responsibilities and liabilities as regards the host family and house.
In case of losing the apartment keys, the student shall afford the costs arising thereof.

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viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013

Don´t be afraid of Argentine Spanish!

"...I understand there are some differences in Spanish according to the region of the world you are in.  People have been telling me that Argentine Spanish is quite different than the Spanish in Mexico or Colombia for example.  I hear its a bit more unique here in Argentina in certain ways.  I am curious if you teach a more 'universal' approach or if its the typical Argentine Spanish?  I will likely use Spanish much more in the US with Mexican people but I can not say for sure.  Just curious how that will affect my learning."

This is part of a message I have received from one of our students (Thank you, Taylor!) and believe me, many of our prospective customers have the same question in mind... Certanly, as Taylor mentioned, there are some differences in Spanish according to the region of the world you are in. Considering that over 400 million people speak Spanish, there MUST be differences.

Now, how important for efficient comunication are these differences? Not much, communication will not be broken. The same happens with other languages like American English compared to Kiwi , Ozzie and others.

So, my answer for Taylor was: "Exactly, each reagion has different caracteristics, so we ask our students what they will prefer to practice. The biggest difference is in the pronunciation between Spanish from Spain and Spanish from Americas. During our lessons, we teach "universal" version, but we practice according to students preferences. Most of our students prefer "americas" style, so they learn to speak "universal" and get used to hear several different accents, with our audio and video practice."

Many of our former students found easier to learn Argentine Spanish. Why?
1) verbs are much easier to learn since we have more regular forms.
2) they get used to it while in Bariloche.

Finally, what is the difference between Argentine Spanish and others?
The pronunciation of three consonants, the use of two pronouns and the ending of the verbs in present tense and imperative mood (commands) for the second person:

1) Pronouns:

Rest of Latin America and US
2 sing
2 plural informal

As you can see, there are only two differences: one in the secon person (informal "you" singular) and the other is only  compared to Spain: second person plural informal ("You" plural informal).

2)  Verbs:
a) Endings for present tense.

Rest of Latin America, US and Spain




Here, you can notice that the stress is different and the ending for _ir verbs has changed.

b) Endings for imperative mood.

Rest of Latin America, US and Spain




3) Pronunciation:

 Rest of Latin America and US
"y" and "ll"
sounds like "sh"
sounds like "ee"
sounds like "ee"
"z" and "c" in front of e and i
sounds like "th" (in "thunder")

If you have any more questions, feel free to email us.

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Verónica Leone
+542944524212 |skype: veronica.leone
Follow us on Twitter:@SpanishinBRC
Like us on Facebook: La Montaña Spanish School